Here is our current list (or so i think)
2) Redo master bathroom
3) Redo H's bedroom
4) Redo dining room
6) Address the forest that is taking over the backyard
7) Finish a table that Matt is building
8) Refinish a chiminae (sp?)
9) Place new bricks around the stairs of the back deck
That doesn't sound so bad, right? But the thought of doing these tasks puts me into full heart attack mode. Probably because I don't feel like we have the time and because I'm simultaneously planning a wedding.
Saturday morning I woke up at 11:00 (gasp) however, let me just add that due to weather issues in Texas I didn't get home from a conference until Saturday morning at 5:00 AM. I deserved a little sleeping in time!
Anyhoooooo - I woke up to find that all of our deck furniture had been removed - which I deduced to mean that task #5 was on my weekend agenda.
Here are some pictures throughout the process.
Lots of railings. Lots and lots of railings!
Lower deck finished.
Add some furniture...
and some accessories
Notice the lantern on the right
Looks awesome!
My fun find for this deck are the lanterns I got from Lowes for $5.00 each. I bought four of them and since they are made of glass, Matt screwed them onto the railing. I was hoping to find some LED candles but so far nadda. Regular candles will have to do. You can see the candles in the picture above (sorta).
If you are looking for us in the evenings, come on around the house to the back porch. We love it on our porch and we plan on utilizing it as much as possible this summer. My hope for this Saturday is to complete task #9 before we have visitors. Maybe with enough time, I can tackle some of #6 while Matt works on #8.
Memorial Day is this weekend, so I'm planning not 1 but 2 bar-b-q's to show off our hard work. Enjoy your holiday weekend and the start of summer!!!