Monday, June 13, 2011


Quick before the summer is in full bloom and hot as HELL let's get everything on that list




Attempting to make the most of our 3 gloriously work free Memorial Day weekend, Matt and I decided to concur the remaining backyard items on our list.  On Saturday morning, we rushed to Lowes and bought pavers for our landing at the bottom of the deck stairs.  Previously this area was overrun with grass/mud as it was a quick fix to a muddy paws problem.

We opted for an L shaped pattern with the bricks.  Perhaps our math was a little off and we had to cut some of the bricks but I like the outcome and I think it looks fabulous.

On Monday, we started fresh again and decided to take on both the table and the chiminea.  I was smoking something strong that day I guess because I had no clue what I was in for and am asking myself does Matt have no limit to his energy? 
My mistake, but I have no pictures of Matt's step by step process of making the table... this blog thing is still new to me and I'm not used to taking pictures of every second of my life.  I'm learning fast though. 
Imagine wood, and Matt cutting said wood, maybe adding some nails and joints, sanding it down, putting it together, yadda - yadda - yadda.  Poof you have a table! 

Matt "discovered" this chiminea and decided to take it home, nurture it, and bring it back to good health.   You can see this baby needs some help.  Together we sanded that thing for what seemed like a month, or maybe just a few hours, but still it was a long time!  My obsessive personality would have allowed me to sand the chiminea down until it was fresh again, but alas Matt stopped me. (Thank God!) 

a nice addition to the deck